Thursday, June 18, 2009

I forgot to post pics of Ethan, the great helper. Here he is putting up the hurricane ties. Isn't he handsome?

Ethan, the great helper

Ethan finally made it here last Friday and Lee put him to work putting up hurricane ties for the roof. He can't believe this Texas heat. It's been in the mid and high 90's with no rain in sight for the next 5 days.

They're still working on the rafters. I think the task has been more daunting than Lee thought it would be. He had 4 burly missionaries come over yesterday and put up 10.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rafters, rafters, rafters!

I don't know what happened to my post for today so I'll add another one.
We've had help the last two days--our good friend, James Walsh and my favoritest cousin (I tell all of them that), Charlie. Most of the rafters are up and they're preparing for the roof-decking which Lee is thinking about having someone else do. (I think he deserves a break, don't you?)

Our grandson, Ethan is coming tomorrow and we are so excited. He and Lee will have a lot of "male-bonding" time while working on the house